So, I heard of Juicy Campus a while back and never bothered to check it out. Since I have way to much free time during break, I figured I'd explore it. If you've never heard of it, let me explain: it's basically a gossip blog/site where people can anonymously post threads and let people reply. So far, I've seen whole threads devoted to: Jenni Ni, Connor Sullivan, some kid from my high school who you wouldn't know, my friend Jill, and I've also seen a bunch of other names come up within the threads. It's not the best entertainment in the world, but its actually interesting to see whose names pop up.
Oh yeah, if Trish reads this...there was a section there for "Hottest Engineers". Mark Mariano was in there and I couldn't bear to have him in there and not you. You're in there now.
this niko kid ( is mentioned as a piece of shit in literally every single article.
also, since you put this on the blog someone wrote "53 meadow street has great parties" under best party section. i appreciate that.
The babson juicy campus is complete filth. Its especially bad seeing as everybody knows everybody there. Plus I have yet to be mentioned in the biggest drunks section, which is discouraging.
Yeah, a lot of people we know (and are friends with) have been trashed. I won't mention names in case they read this but it's still pretty harsh.
And are you sure YOU didn't post that 53 thing Pat? Even if you did, I have no objections.
verc- its quite fitting that you love this site. i didnt think you could become any more of a teenage girl, but here we are, witnessing you strive to become the gossip queen of umass middle school.
I can picture Verc triumphantly sitting back with his trademark insane smile filling his face after writing
"Oh yeah? Well I heard that Marissa dumped Kenny because she caught him masterbating!! No lie girl, omgggg!" Revenge is a dish best served anonymously over the internet, with a cool glass of rocketfuel to wash it down.
Do not wrong verc, for now he has a new powerful weapon- he will juicycampus the shit out of you (i expect my very own section soon: Pat Orr is a music snob! Am i right? Let's hear it...)
Hey, I'm not posting anything on there (except that Trish comment), I just like to see which of our friends really has the most haters out there.
You would post juicy campus on the blog, Verc. Site is trash.
I absolutely never said it wasn't trash, it definitely is. But hey, I still find humor in watching the rediculousness of Jerry Springer clips from time to time too.
haha i just took a gander and my name is #4 most searched item today. I even beat "weed." hopefully nothing came up yet
hahah the fact that you beat out weed is awesome.
Niko and his buddy Postin'
haha that photo is ridiculous. they're posing with their stomachs and presumably groin areas touching oh-so delicately yet with mean mugging faces. they take postin to a new level that james and i will never strive to reach.
the guido is such an enigma.
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