Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The honey baby's bringing us a cocktail

I guess people didn't like what I had to say about Entourage. I stand by it, the show is deteriorating into garbage, though I admit I will keep watching. Anyways, my life in Stamford is pretty much work and dicking around on the internets watching videos, so I'll continue to spout some nonsense and then show some clips for a week or so until I get bored. I decided to re-watch Swingers tonight. Back in the day Vince Vaughn is FIERCE. Here's some clips of some pre-Wedding Crashers/Old School that completely typecast him for the rest of his career.

PS- Check out the last line in the first clip. Sound familiar? I almost died.

And the big finish. Fantastic movie moment seeing as we all do this as our own pregame too. Getting pissed and calling everything bullshit (ahem, Pat), gloating over nothing special, and cheating when people are distracted.

Full movie in case anybody feels like watching.