Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Entourage blows, but TV still has a chance

I have to admit, Entourage has been a major disappointment this season. Way too much Turtle, Vince is worse than he's ever been, Drama is still somewhat of a tool, and Sloan shows up maybe once an episode.

"I'm a pathetic attempt to use drugs as a way to bring personality to an otherwise lifeless character. And my pornstar girlfriend serves no purpose other than to frustrate the shit out of viewers everywhere."

But you know what? I could have tolerated all of those things if at least they didn't tamper with Ari. He has been reduced to one good line every two episodes, and that was the last straw. I have officially written off Entourage as a dumpy, forgettable show and I'll be glad to see it end.

This frees us all up to enjoy some of the great television that we've all been missing. Californication and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia are both right around the corner (also The League, which is amazing and you need to watch it). Here's some encouragement to keep you from throwing your TV off a balcony, or blocking sidereel.com since nobody actually watches shows when they air anyways:

The commentary is a little excessive but the clips speak for themselves.

Full Season. Get caught up.