Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Bailout

The impending emergency legislation to provide Hank Paulson, the Secretary of the Treasury, with 700 BILLION (abuse of all caps completely warranted) of the US taxpayers money to distribute at his sole discretion to whomever in the financial sector that he deems worthy of "bailout" is one of the worst things to happen to our country in a long, long time. I'm done blaming Bush for being the retarded puppet of a class of American society that has had control of our collective political and financial destiny since who knows when. I now feel a sort of detached sympathy towards the man whose name and smirking face will be forever emblazoned across eight of the worst years of American history as a sort of popular short hand for the decade. A presidential term that began with the theft of the ballot by a Florida court is ending with one of the largest measures of brazen capitalist self protection ever. It is a measure that will define our economy for years to come as well as the international economy. Here is a brief reader on the issue:




UPDATE: And since the bailout will increase the national debt substantially, heres a report comparing the candidates' tax plans - Smears

1 comment:

Smears said...

"What is more intrinsically corrupt than allowing people to engage in high-reward/no-risk capitalism -- where they reap tens of millions of dollars and more every year while their reckless gambles are paying off only to then have the Government shift their losses to the citizenry at large once their schemes collapse? "

This is just the rich people in the government backing up their own interests, not those of the american public. I'm sure the 10million dollar raise the CEO of AIG is about to give himself will trickle right on down to people in poverty and won't go to supporting republican candidates.