Saturday, December 13, 2008

What Was Your Favorite Album of 2008?

I added a new poll to the left under the recent comments section listing what I thought are the candidates for the best album of the year. Its fucking impossible to choose one so you can vote for all your favorites. If yours isnt on there, mention it in the comments and make a case (I can't edit the poll since someone already voted so arguing will have to do). Also feel free to trash talk whatever album I put on there or other people's opinions: Doodlah is definitely going to take offense that Atmosphere's album didnt make the list

My overall favorite: The Odd Couple- Gnarls Barkley DOWNLOAD HERE
Second Place: Feed The Animals- Girl Talk DOWNLOAD HERE
Third: Another Weekend in the City- Bloc Party DOWNLOAD HERE (Intimacy is good too, just not top 3)

Honorable mention because its just a MIXTAPE not even an album (First Flight coming in 2009): Star Power- Wiz Khalifa DOWNLOAD HERE



James is not funny said...

most of those albums were disappointing overall. gnarls, bloc party, cook kids, the roots, ti, and kanye had too many poor songs to give them album of the year. as much as i hate to say it, lil wayne's was probably the best one you put on the poll. it was ridiculously overplayed, but before that everybody loved it. too bad he is a scumbag. also, i will preemptively agree with doodlah that atmosphere should be on the list. that album was dope and just might get my vote for 2008

Doodlah said...

I'm going to have to disagree with you James...I think that TI had a pretty good album. Live Your Life, Dead and Gone, Whatever You Like, On Top of The World, and for some who enjoyed Swagger Like Us. I would say that if an album has three good songs that it should be in contention for album of the year.

Smears said...

I'm not sure about your "3 good songs" definition, and I also thought that T.I.s album was pretty weak.

8 or 9 out of 13 songs on the Odd Couple were amazing, so it definitely way up there. L'il wayne's album was ok and definitely solid but besides the overplayed songs there has been no song that i still listen to. dr. carter was sick and still is though, but a lot of the other songs arent so good (i cant even remember most of them). bloc party's another weekend in the city (which isnt official but made by bloggers from left out songs) was amazing and intimacy was good after a few listens. i thought that the roots and cool kids albums were weak but lots of people really loved them so i put them on there. The Grand Return is probably one of my top 5 favorite songs of the year. the cool was kind of weak as well but still had some gems. kanye's album has some sick songs and was just released so itll take some more listening to see if its likeability can last but it definitely didnt suck like i expected it to and i love Robocop and Paranoid. i didnt listen to atmosphere's album enough to judge it, but it seemed very repetitive at first glance. girl talk definitely wins second or first and i stand by my gnarls barkley and bloc party choices.

eugi oh said...

common-universal mind control, has a ton of dope tracks on it...also
deltron-3030, dope songs.

lil wayne is no talent mainstream hoodlum. kanye's album was alright, TIs album was good.