Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kooky sprinkler woman

I never thought I would insult someone by saying they are dumb because they have no understanding of how rainbows work. Well, that day has come, and she is DUUUUMB.

To recap: it must be probably the the metalaxide salt (?) oozing out of the ground that is making it so that everywhere we look, the visable spectrum is rainbows... she nailed it

UPDATE: props to verc for finding this first and putting it in the comments section for the french video. although i did come across it on my own, congrats for beating me by a few hours.

Holy shit, this is her youtube page. there are so many more rediculous videos. Sprinkler Lady Strikes Again

1 comment:

Professor Bee Lee said...

i love the illiterate abuse of scientific language in this video. She really took her best guess at what "visible spectrum" meant; mananged to compeltely miss the mark then she starts throwing around phrases like constitutional rights at the end. It like all her four years of education got forced through a paranoid blender and ended up as this video.