Saturday, March 27, 2010

Featuring Dwight K. Schrute

this one's courtesy of Felipe, good eye felips

Office Musick

Also check out this Method Man and Redman song, it somehow slipped under the radar last year:

A Yo


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tensta Son

Welbourn found this one and it is tits. Adam Tensta has probably one of the coolest voices in the game, and the beat is fierce.

here's the mp3:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Get Crunk Spring Break

Not sure how popular this is or if people know it, but it was huge at the parties over spring break and we were loving blasting it.

we'll get a download up when i have time

oh, and it seriously is only good if it's all the way "turnt" up, regular volume and it sucks

Sammy Adams: Your Boy from Boston

I hope you guys have already heard of him, but if not here's one great track from an upcoming rapper from Wayland. I can't stop playing this song lately.

Monday, March 22, 2010

And on a lighter note...

This goat sounds like a man.

Health Care Passes

Here is a really succinct and accurate description of the just passed health care bill and what it will mean over the next couple years. Quick read, take the time to get to know it:

Reuters Summary

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Orr" fish - It looks like a Chineese Dragon!!

Longest fish in the world at about 60 feet in length

Oarfish Wiki

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

B.o.B. - Nothing On You

Great stop motion music video by B.o.B.

If you like the song, Smears posted a few albums and mixtapes previously so you can download this song by downloading the B.o.B. mixtape - March 25.

If you missed downloading the albums and mixtapes, think of this as your second chance. I'm really into Chiddy Bang's mixtape - Swelly Express, and I know that Smears is really enjoying the Gorillaz - Plastic Beach album.


Antiques Roadshow

The highest appraisal ever on the US antiques roadshow plus the appraiser has a thick Boston accent.

Clever Little Animation

Animator V. Animation


Loan Shark Cyclists

While Demetri Martin can get somewhat weird occasionally, when he's on, he's on. This 2 part clip from his last episode is awesome, especially since the guy from Archer works with him.

Important Things with Demetri MartinThursday, 10:00pm / 9:00c
Money - Loan Shark Cyclists Pt. 2
Joke of the DayStand-Up ComedyFree Online Games

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness (Alternate Version)

The first two minutes of this video really messed with my balance and had me feeling a little sick. Thought it was interesting and blog worthy. Smears has posted this song before but this version is different.

Mountain Biking

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tall is hot.

Also, while chatting about how the giant 6'8" Britney Griner decided to deck the girl from Texas Tech last night, I was introduced to this even more insane 7'0" beast of a hot model - she kind of reminds me of that giant monster in "Dude, Where's My Car?"...except she's real. Imagine trying to get with a girl like this.

Best friends < 3

This came up on Barstool again, and it was once again touching.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The People of Wal-Mart

Just about every time I walk into Wal-Mart I end up seeing someone or something and asking myself, "why would anyone want to look, dress or act like that?" but then I have to remember, I'm in Wal-Mart.

I wish that I had thought of something like this:

The People of Wal-Mart

Photo Section

Some of My Favorites:

Oh, You Didn’t Gnome?

Cowboy Up


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

OK go- ok music, awesome videos

This band came to Umass 4 years ago for our spring concert, they did some pretty creative things so that you overlooked how mediocre their music kinda was. I don't really like any song besides This Too Shall Pass but their videos are great: they're the ones who made that famous treadmill video. Their news ones are below, check for more after the jump. Which version of This Two Shall Pass is better? I really can't decide

I've never seen a Rube-Goldberg Machine as awesomely destructive as this one.

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.

Click read more for older videos:

Monday, March 1, 2010

In Case You Missed Them- 4 albums

If people are too lazy/disinterested to download 4 whole albums (and I might as well suggest Vampire Weekend's great album Contra while I'm at it) I'm willing to put my favorite songs together for a zip file sometime soon.

These first two mixtapes have been out for a bit, but are well worth getting.

1. Chiddy Bang's The Swelly Express is AWESOME.

Every song is listenable and unique and the samples are ridiculous, like Sufjan Stevens on All Things Go and my favorite, Never (wicked song). My only complaint is that they havent really figured out the main chorus thing yet. Man im excited about these guys though

2. Next is B.O.B.'s March 25 (click on the download link below the album covers)

This one is more of a listen to on your own than a play at a party type of album, but you can tell B.O.B's going places (1st album out this month). Fuck the Money is Kanye produced, and if you can wait out The Biz's inexplicable 1 minute intro the song and his flow are NUTS.

Next are two are albums that are coming out this month and I'm PUMPED about them even though I haven't listened all the way through yet. They're a bit different/indie but if you like gorillaz and danger mouse you'll be happy.

1. Gorillaz- Plastic Beach. This is the real one, the first i put on was fake so i downloaded it off youtube First single is called Stylo (and weird enough Chiddy Bang did a pretty good remix that i included. They've got Mos Def, Snoop and De La Soul on a few songs so hopefully this will be one of the best albums this year

2. All the links to downloads are down so until I find another one here's a clip of Vaporize.
Broken Bells is Dj Dangermouse and the lead singer from The Shins, a pretty sick combination. The only songs I've heard so far are Vaporize and The High Road but both are great.


ps. you might need an .rar expander for one or two of these, but its a program worth getting because then you can download almost any album off mediafire, megaupload etc. RAR Expander has worked like a charm for me.