Friday, May 16, 2008

A few things of interest

monroe took some time out of his busy schedule of chopping trees and cutting off fish heads to share with us this wonderful article (how did canadians find out about computers??? this is bull!):

Oh, the innocence of youth (and hookers)

the kids' alibi was that they won a world of warcraft tournament. i do not know how such a tournament works, so i am assuming the skeezy security guard at the crappy motel you brought hookers to would not either. also, it does not matter where you got the money, the fact remains that YOU ARE 13 and therefore NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE HOOKERS. This is america, not las vegas.

Let's be honest though, I think verc jim and bryce and i would end up doing the same thing if we suddenly had thousands of dollars.
"we could go to the carribean! or buy the carribean!"
"Orrrr we could play halo! new maps and it's double exp weekend"

hookers have to put up with so much shit, dealing with drunk/drugged up assholes, absolute creeps who may or may not choose to kill them, and politicians all in the same night , but i truly think the one thing that they could not handle would be being forced to watch halo. most girls see halo and react the way i would if i was forced to watch that new sex in the city movie, meaning they say "fuck this" and leave.
Men and women! They're so different! One likes video games, the other likes movies! It's crazy!

even though his hookers and xbox got taken away, don't feel bad for the kid. his dad's taking him to disneyworld to make up for it, presumably to see if they can pay cinderella for sex and halo.

also, here's a few hilarious videos. many of you have seen these but none of you will make it through both without laughing

ps that shoe lifts advertisement at the end is so random. seriously world, leave me alone, i am comfortable with my height.