Thursday, December 15, 2011

Frank Ocean- Thinking About You

Frank Ocean - Thinking About You (music video) from High5Collective on Vimeo.

It's a bit slower than our usual stuff, but I'm just digging it, I dunno. This is the same dude who did my joint Novocaine a few months back, part of Odd Future.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chris Berman Talking About Canadian Drugs

This video is hilarious... Chris Berman taking Canadian Asprin Called "Deu Deu Deus." The end when he's about to go on the air: "Thanks Al," cracks me up.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Been digging this guy lately, crazy beats. We finally get internet saturday so I'll work to upload J. Cole's album, The Giver's album and this one sometime next week.

Drake does a sweet verse on that song too:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Mixtapes

I have put together two mixtapes, for your ears, that include music from B.O.B., Sammy Adams, Mike Posner, Starting Six, Childish Gambino, Skrillex and others. Download them and enjoy.

Download Bistro 53 Mixtape

Download Monkey 53 Mixtape

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bennett is not gangsta

I'm assuming I was the last contributor to hear about this site, but I'm also the first one to post it so fuck y'all

It HAS to be fake but even so I still found it entertaining.


Bennett you boss

Thursday, December 1, 2011