By now, I'm sure you are all well aware of The site is awesome for new music, both electronic, dub-step and hip hop. Recently I've stumbled across two others that are equally as sick and deserve some recognition.
You might have heard of goodmusicallday (GMAD), but I haven't heard of anyone talking about findnewjams. Findnewjams is especially sick because they have a music player that continually plays the songs on the site. You just push play and it will keep on playing the tracks that are posted. They also have a cool classification system for their music so you can easily tell what you are getting into. Also, they have playlists that you can choose from too. I've found a ton of sick new music on there and I feel that it might almost be more up to date than thissongissick. Just thought I'd share, as I've been using these sites for awhile now.
Hope you enjoy!