Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New B.O.B Mixtape - December 7th

New B.O.B mixtape is going to be released on December 7th. I'm hoping that this mixtape will have some solid music like the song "beast mode", in the post below. When the mixtape comes out, I will make sure to let you know and post a link here. For those who are interested in checking out the mixtape before it comes out, here is his webpage.

Beast Mode - B.O.B

This song is strangely different from what some might call a "normal" Bobby Ray song. I like it and think that it's a cool swing on what he has been doing lately.

Download Song Here

B.o.B. - Beast Mode by InternetProspector.com

The Doodlah Dance Used for Good not Evil

Friday, November 19, 2010

New Mixtape

I have compiled a few songs into a mixtape for your enjoyment. There are some songs that have been posted on the blog previously, some that you might already know and some that are new. Download, listen and give me your feedback. I have loaded the songs into a .zip file to download from the link below.

Download Here

The album consists of La Roux, Chiddy Bang, The Cataracs, Wiz Khalifa, and Wale, to name a few. I hope you enjoy.

"Way Back Home" - Danny MacAskill

I ran across this guy and his skill and videos are amazing. I really like the song that he has playing in his video "Way Back Home." I'm going to post his list of videos here for you all to enjoy.

I really enjoy videos that show some really cool footage attached with a really cool/chill song. (ie the longboarding video I posed a couple months ago)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Whip My Hair - Springsteen and Young

Jimmy Fallon is a man with many talents. This is great

Girl Talk New Album Update

Pretty cool site that puts the songs sampled beneath the track as they show up. I look forward to some pleasant surprises

All Day Samples

And within the first 20 seconds I learned that Tupac's How Do You Want It, which features lovely lines as "tell me is it cool to fuck? you think I came to talk am I a fool or what?", also features K Ci and Jo Jo, of romantic anthems All My Life and Crazy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This Makes My Life Seem Pretty Important


No but seriously, that report is due Friday morning and Molly's going to be really pissed if you don't apologize for making fun of her shirt last night.

also- any thoughts on the new template, thumbs up/down system (old one was lost in the transition), # of posts per page, or any other ideas for changes?

It's going to be a sad day...

Massachusetts finally decided that pre-made rocket fuel is a bad idea. I don't know if I really agree with them, since I've had some great times with it and it saves me from having to go through the painstaking process of making my own, but I guess it was inevitable...here's the article

Also, in response to Bryce's 4loko video post, here's the one that got us going on Halloween.

How can you ban something that already has at least 2 music videos? And now without tax it would've been even cheaper. Oh well...

Monday, November 15, 2010

College Humor - Mike Stud

If you like Sam Adams, you will probably like this guy (this is for you Verc). It's actually pretty good but that might only be because of the Ratatat beat.

Download Here

Mike Stud - College Humor

Epic Day in Indian Pop Music

I'm not sure what's funnier, the singing or the hand movements.

Grandmas Going Crazy

They love it, especially the one on the right. The Grandma on the right reminds me of a parrot bobbing its head.

New GirlTalk Album

Just when I've stopped listening to mash-ups here comes a new Girl Talk album

Download All Day here. If his server keeps acting up ill put up a mirror.

Listen Here:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

4 Loko Music

"It's got that shit to make a bitch look like Halle Berry"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is Way Funnier than I Thought It'd Be

This game is awful- tons of glitches and crazy stuff happening. I ended up sticking through until the end, some perfectly insane stuff goes down.

Favorite parts=
-Having the time of his life.

Friday, November 5, 2010


In honor of movember, I present to you the world mustache championships. I thought Liam was the man of all men with his getup last year, until I saw these...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Imagine if Chiddy Bang Got a Hold of This Beat

or any others on their album, Sidewalks. I'd give it a 7 out of 10 for songs, but 10-10 for some crazy good beats. Hood Internet, Xaphoon, get on this!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rediscovery- Freddie Gibbs

Somehow this guy got lost on my ipod, and I just rediscovered him last week when I found out he was coming to NOLA and the name sounded familiar. Been bumping the album every since, flow's sick:

and featuring Prospector favorite Pill:

holy shit at 40 seconds: