Thursday, December 24, 2009

Throw in 30,000 soldiers and you got yourself a stew

Read this article about the US military, which includes this great quote:
"One such facility even hired actor Carl Weathers, of Apollo Creed fame, to serve as an "acting coach" for the simulated insurgents."

im going to win. im going to victory. im going to forget about everybody

jaimie found this, its awesome

Dan Levy Presents: Drunks vs Highs!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

on the topic of terrible/hilarious music

the beginning is pretty funny but 3:00 comes out of nowhere... wait for it.

UPDATE: let's keep this strange music train a'rolling

Sunday, December 20, 2009


is that jwoww?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Learning that Will Last a Lifetime

UC Berkley students at their finest moment

Mos Def is always on point

"I know a negro spiritual when I hear one"

MOS DEF | THE BEST OF 2009 [2 OF 3] from DJ SEMTEX on Vimeo.


I was watching this guy like two years ago when he was doing pretty conventional beatbox stuff even if it was amazing.I may have even posted something here, I'm to lazy to check. Now he's a fucking god of the microphone. Check it out!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

this guy's got some impressive observation skills

Funny racing accidentUploaded by SupraPitchu - See more comedy videos.

and i think this marks the first time boobs have made it on the blog.. congrats contributors for making it so long

Your Moment of Zen

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sheila gets worked

Click the image to enlarge it

The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret

Just a sniff of what Gobias Industries could have become. In all seriousness though this show looks like it could be sweet.

The Future is Bright

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Leopard seals are awesome.

Another courtesy of Liam...

Time lapse of milky way.

Sick time lapse video of the Milky Way sent to me by Liam.

Galactic Center of Milky Way Rises over Texas Star Party from William Castleman on Vimeo.

Twilight is Garbage

This is a fantastic abridging of the new Twilight movie. I haven't seen the actual movie obviously but I'm sure this is dead on.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009


The newest can you not love guidos and this:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I'm going to apologize in advance for this one. I came across this a few days ago and thought it was really stupid but the second and third time that I watched it I caught myself laughing. Don't ask me why.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

You Want Me to Show You Tough, I'll Show You Tough

Credit due to my friends from home. This was shown a long time ago but forgot how funny it is.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I bet you're boppin right now's Agents of Cracked is awesome.

been checking out these lately, they are funny as hell. It's a lot like arrested development and one of the cleverest things I've seen on the internet. has more to offer for anyone who doesnt check it. their daily top tens are great, and also if you like swaim's work definitely check out his video top tens:
Great stuff

there's a bunch of each, just in time for thanksgiving break

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Right off the bat, we gotta go gay

Always been a fan of Louis C.K. Check out some Lucky Louie if you get a chance. A lot of it is on youtube.

By the way this is really raunchy. You're forewarned

Monday, November 23, 2009

What does it take to save those gingers??

I was browsing the internets (at 8:39am on a sunday I might add, a little drunk all-nighter action) and came across this funny article/ad juxtaposition:

read some of the article, then look at the ad on the right

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ya Heard that Bron-Bron?

While We're In A Heartwarming Mood...

doodlah's father/son post was nice, so here's a sweet one:

love is not the prospector's usual forte, but every now and then it works. great film

Monday, November 16, 2009

On The Run

Sick Wheelbarrow Race

Team Hoyt

Take 7 minutes and watch this inspirational father and son team from Massachusetts.

Dick and Rick Hoyt Wiki

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Riff Raff

I want to eat you for thanksgiving dinner, probably 2K11-ish.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

the trumpet

reminds me of Nick's commercials except its real (theres a bunch of other Nicks on college humor, just search for them)

People with bad credit driving everywhere!

Friday, November 6, 2009


it's fucking horrible

Three Six Mafia, Flo-Rida, Sean Kingston, TIESTO

The video is some bullshit thrown together by the youtube user that posted it, but the song is sick and I haven't found the audio file yet so I had to include it. Let me know what you guys think.

Also that cinemati site never works for me, so if it works for anybody else who feels like nabbing the audio file and posting it, I'd appreciate that

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doodlah Dance

...its gone big-time!


Meeting of the Minds

Didn't see this sample coming..

its a bit old but ill probably grab this mixtape, ill let you know how it is. He's on Young Money label so could be something in the future

Usually we're above posting "cute" things, but come on! Not fair.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Couple Sweet Mixtapes

Some of you probably have this by now, but it's sweet so I'm making sure you all do.

Wiz's new mixtape. I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but I like it so far.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


its funny enough that a bat was terrorizing the game on halloween night, but then this happens..

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jon Stewart has another slam dunk on one of the stupidest acts in our political circus.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
For Fox Sake!
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis


The Black eyed Chinese people who eat sticks

Friday, October 30, 2009

Undercover Musical

This really put a smile on my face while I was watching it. It almost made going grocery shopping fun..

Heres a link to some other video on their youtube page

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Drug Dealing Music

Oh, No.

New Game

Check out this song. At first I hated it but now I've got in heavy rotation. Its the first leak off the new Game album. Should be fire.


Musical Suit

Imagine this at 53 or further imagine this at 58.

Some information behind the suit

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ice Cream Remix

I'm really feeling Dorrough's verse and with a little J.D. it brings me back to a classic

Let Me Take You to the Movies

Are You Blogworthy?

People are always sending us stuff that they think is "blogworthy." i feel bad when i put it up because i didnt find it, and bad when i dont because it feels like an insult.. well this post is now your very own posting section. heres a place that you can always go back to to post something funny you found and then people can comment on or reply to it just like a regular post. if you plan to become a regular in the comments, just go to intensedebate for a minute and make a profile and picture so no one can imitate you

found a funny video/ ridiculous picture? put it on the blog and await judgement..
(i'm looking at you eugene, liz, conor, shot with sean, anita, charlie, AILENE, casey bros)


BET Awards

A lot of good stuff came out the BET awards. Here's some fire from Mos Def and Black Thought. Even M&M does decent.

Fuck Rockband

new comment system

just put in a new comments system. let me know if its working fine for everyone/people like it. i like it because it lets us reply to specific comments and rate comments and lets people comment without having to make a profile (regular commenters can make a profile on to have their picture included and make sure no one uses their name)

on the other hand it seems to be making the blog load a bit slower and for some reason it does not always load the "recent comments" and "top rated comments" sections in the sidebar, at least in the library's severly unupdated version of internet explorer (honestly, fuck IE though). if this problem persists, well have to do something. plus on old posts you have to use the old system

I also put in a new search function that works much better because it searches the content of posts instead of just the titles like the blogger search does. try it out for a little trip down memory lane (trale luous, trigon, t is for thug lyfe, apple picking with mr. t, just to name a few)

let me know what you think with ye olde thumbs; we can easily go back to the old blogger system or try a new one if we must.

Always Smooth (repost)

So we all know this delightful beverage, and the joy it brings to the college masses.

On each one, there's a nice not-so-witty "Unsmooth Moment" cooked up by the people at Keystone, such as:

Remembered her birthday (forgot her name)
Called in sick to catch a game (made the sports network)

Last night Pat and I decided to throw out some of our own "unsmooth moments" and figured it might be fun little idea to have people try and come up with theirs. So think of your own terrible "unsmooth moment" that truly exemplifies all that "yaahhdude" Keystone drinkers have to offer and throw it in the comments section.

For example:
1) MADE THE BERUIT SHOT (didn't block the bounce)
^oh shitttt

Have at it...

UPDATE: I changed the commenting system up so people can rate comments, reply to comments, etc. BAM!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Too Many Misters, Not Enough Sisters

The Flight of the Concords have a new album out with some real gems on it. To bad I don't buy music, like a bitch.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wale ft. John Mayer-Letter

in honor of his appearance last night at the umass mullins center. im not sure how i feel about it (let us know with the thumbs) but it just leaked today so well see how it goes. album coming nov 10. when i get some time ill throw some of the other leaked singles from his album up.

Friday, October 23, 2009


You can interact with the website that he mentions in the presentation here:We Feel Fine

New LIfe

Doodlah posted a brief thing about this guy earlier. Its pretty cool

Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down

Added a thumbs up feature to the bottom of each post- you can see the hands below the text here so you just click on one of them. now we can see what people want more of or less of, like or dislike. Then, by clicking on the circled "i" info button you can see the top ratings for the site, your recent ratings, whats hot, etc. use it, the more its used the more helpful itll be.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


As promised, here is an awesome mixtape (zip. file, download and then unarchive). Starts off with some hip hop, moves into dance tracks, and finishes out with some chiller rockish music. You can get it onto a playlist by organizing itunes by album name and the tracks are organized by song titles or genre. Check it out: Mixtape #1

also let us know which songs you like best/what you want more of in the comments. enjoy

PS IM WICKED SORRY FOR ALL THE FACEBOOK MESSAGES- facebook's fault, not mine. forgiveness is a virtue.

Update: Click Read More to see the track list and our comments/more info on the songs


1. Streets is Getting Hot- Beenie Man: The beat is just so sick on this song that it doesnt matter you can't understand a word he says. your head shall bobbeth

2. Move if You Wanna- Mims: its old but i figured this would be a pretty good dance party song, plus the video is really cool.

3. Fly Like Me- B.o.B.: up and comer, b.o.b. is the man. Apparently his first album is coming out by the end of 2009, here's its first single from last Dec. or so: I'll Be in the Sky

4. Daddy- B.o.B.: I'm loving the sample.

5. Shine Blockas- Big Boi: goddamn I've been waiting so long for Big Boi's single album "Sir Lucious Leftfoot... Son of Chico Dusty" (apparently its still a 2009 release despite having date set)... ill gobble the fuck out of any scrap big boi drops us. still, he never disappoints.

6. Reality Check- Binary Star: just a straight hip hop track, no solid hook just solid flows. it's great

7. The Check Point- Curren$y and Wiz Khalifa: i got nothing to say, wiz khalifa wants you all to know that he smokes weed.

8. Uptown f. Bun B and Lil' Wayne- Drake: Its slower than usual but besides the semi-weak chorus it's sick. anything with bun b is gold + drake really impresses on this one.

9. Embrace the Martian- Kid CuDi: I'll be honest, his new album disappointed me. Just included this old favorite from the mixtapes to remind everyone how good he can be.

10. Simple As...- Kid CuDi: Still, he comes through a few times, this one's a highlight along with Pursuit of Happiness, Make Her Say, Soundtrack 2 My Life. Really weird but catchy beat, shows the uniqueness he brings.

11. Wont Trade- Q-Tip: Q-Tip (of A Tribe Called Quest fame) is one of the best lyricists. The Renaissance is good for any fan of Quest or old school.

12. Exotic on the Speaker- Soulico: Found by B lee, interesting blend of styles.

13, 14, 15. Ms. Rightfernow, Get Sum, Never Ever- Wiz Khalifa: 3 great songs from "Flight School." That whole mixtape is great, but what else would I say? I've been forcing wiz down your throats non stop.

16. Party and Bullshit in the USA- Biggie Smalls/ Hannah Montana: I swore id never see hannah poke her preteen face onto this blog but what chance does one man have against a raging tidal wave? Fine the goddamn song is catchy, you happy?


17. Raindrops- Basement Jaxx: So good, i love everything about this song until it gets old with about a minute left. But whose attention span lasts that long on a saturday night anyways?

18. Memories f. Kid CuDi- David Guetta: The man behind I've Got A Feeling (my vote for worst song of the year) has another repetitive but this time GOOD song. i dunno, there's not much to it but it's great. Plus, respect Kid CuDi's creative range

19. Sexy Bitch f. Akon- David Guetta: My favorite party song of the year. blast this when your getting ready to go out and then once your drunk. two different, awesome experiences. Hip hop is getting involved in dance music and I am fine with that. Kid CuDi, Dizzee Rascal, now Akon.

20. Holiday- Dizzee Rascal: From "Tongue in Cheek." Bonkers is still easily my favorite from this album but the catchiness of this one is undeniable, and I am digging Dizzee's foray into electro music- Tiesto even produces a song on his new album.

21. Forever by Drake- Hood Internet Remix: B Lee found this and we are eternally grateful. its way better than the original, especially Drake's first verse, and does us the favor of cutting off Eminem (not a fan, sorry).

22. New In Town- Little Boots: There's something about this Brit; beat's sweet, chorus is catchy, gives us a taste of music across the pond.

23. Zumbi (nujax remix)- Major Lazer: Clearly a B Lee find, one of my favorites on this. Based off this hilarious video with ANDY MILONAKIS, except makes it a legit song. well played andy you fat fuck.


24. Strange Overtones- David Bryne and Brian Eno: A b lee joint. Old school ("this style is out of fashion, these beats are 20 years old"), yet strangely addicting.

25, 26. Sleepyhead, Little Secrets- Passion Pit: Liam brought this home with him. Like MGMT (NY city) I assumed they were British or something but theyre from Cambridge, MA. great band, here's my favorite two songs so far.

27, 28. 1901, Rome- Phoenix: Theyve been around a while but just made it big with "Wolfgang Armadaeus Phoenix" this summer. Unfortunately sam monroe found this band, but if you can get over that this whole album is good enough for a download. 1901 is in the new Cadillac (i think?) commercial, the one with the black guy driving a soccer mom van. Damn good songs despite its commercial abuse, Phoenix has a unique style.

29. Death- White Lies: I love this song, its perfect... great lyrics, progression, style changes. Belting this bad boy out on a summer drive with the windows down: there's nothing better.

hope you enjoyed them, offer your own thoughts/favorites/songs you hated in the comments section. peace.

dance party

*found by Verc + track team friends, I claim no credit

UPDATE: Here's the original news report.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Young Khalifa Man

my BOY wiz khalifa has finally made it big, his first album coming out nov. 24 called Deal or No Deal. Look out for a few other wiz khalifa songs on our zip file too, should be about 4 of the best newer ones off recent mixtapes.

here's the first single: The Plane
and another song of an upcoming mixtape (a remix of a popular australian song): Walking on a Dream (remix)

if you're feeling wiz, here's some old favorites (youtube not download) to catch you up if youre behind and pump you up for the future:
Hero, Pittsburgh Sound, and Say Yeah


Monday, October 19, 2009

World Champ

World Champ stone skipper that is..

Kurt Steiner's website

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009


ytmnd (youre the man now dog) is one of the internet's stranger trends. Here's an awesome one:

Arnold gets his point across

and one we put on the blog at our very beginning: Batman

check out a top ten list Here or go look around yourself at

Free Lil Boosie!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The video that Pat just posted is from a British show called Snuffbox. Both of the main actors have also appeared in the Mighty Boosh. The show is gold.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How I'll handle it from now on

She Has A Boyfriend - Watch more Funny Videos

the other actor is bob fossil from the amazing Might Boosh (creators of Old Gregg), if anyone knows what show this is let me know

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tired of your hand being your only makeout partner?

"Don't forget to kiss the neck"

"If a boy keeps his breath fresh, it's a pretty good signal that he wants to kiss!"

iPhone Applications

there is a new application for the iPhone that allows you to "blow" air up a womens skirt to reveal their underwear. i thought it was fake at first but a little more research and I found that you can actually get this application (called PUFF!) in the iTunes store for $.99.

I decided to google weird iPhone applications and I came across a list of the top weird apps. My personal favorite is probably "Hold On" which is a "game" to see how long you can hold your finger on the "Hold" button. "Thats What She Said" comes in a close second though.

I want to hear about your favorite iPhone Application, so respond in the comments section about one that you saw in the top 10 or one that hasn't been mentioned.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Really Funny Commercials

I saw both of these randomly today, turns out they are for the same company. Both are pretty awesome

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Very similar to Texts from Last Night in format except way funnier... expect great things from Lamebook

Here's a few gems to whet your whistle (I couldnt get the pictures the right size so just click on them to read easier):

Sunday, October 4, 2009

4 Year Old Memorizes "Miracle" Speech

charlie bit me -> trigon commercials -> David goes to the dentist -> this?

And the original for those who havent seen the movie

Friday, October 2, 2009

There's Gonna Be Fee's Bro

New Zealand's version of Jackass. Pretty good parody if you ask me

Fact Checker

It is interesting to finally have someone calling people out on both sides for the ridiculous lies and overexaggerations happening in the current volatile political shitshow we call washington. If you haven't already done so, check out the Pulitzer Prize winning Truth O Meter. Unsurprisingly, Glen Beck and The Republican National Committee do not fair too well, although it does catch Obama and Michael Moore on a few points.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CO2 is good!

new commercial from the oil and gas industries.. im already having brain conniptions thanks to the damn health care debate, i do NOT need this right now

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lil Boosie Bad Azz

I've been on a Boosie Binge lately. Wrap your mind around this dankness...

I can't stand Yatta being at the top of this blog anymore

Check out these Cool/Unusual beaches from around the world.

Funny enough, I've been to fraser island in australia and that bus pictured in the link is definitely from the company we traveled with. The beach is a real highway, with trucks transporting goods and enforceable driving laws and we saw a few planes land, and there are car accidents and deaths every year (happened while I was there). I also know people who went to that beach at the Whitsundays and others who saw the white sand at Jervis Bay (only 45 minutes or so from where I was in Australia). Anyone else been to one of these and have pictures?

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I cant remember if I have posted this yet but I figured that it was worth another look if I did.

It's a bunch of Japanese comedians that wanted to do a funny video and song. The single ended up going triple platinum in Japan.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Glenn Beck is the new McCarthy

Pretty revealing when you juxtapose McCarthy Era video with blips from the media today. I don't understand how people respond to this kind of retardation.

The video keeps disappearing, I'm guessing it's those damn communists fucking with our site because we're too american for them, but here's a link that works.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Good and Hilarious Movie Reviews

I've been absolutely addicted to these reviews for the last couple days now. The guys are likable and actually give me a review from a perspective other than a snobby/douchey movie critic so I feel like id like the same movies as them. They dont let me embed the clips, i was going to put on the transformers 2 one because they just shit on it, but whatever just check them all out here: Movie Reviews

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Countdown to Liquor Day

In honor of the imminent arrival of the final trailer park boys movie. If you check us regularly and have still not seen this show yet, you suck.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

kanye does what he wants

I still think it was faked. There are tons of these parodies around, keep an eye on it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds

Quoted from Theo Jansen's website:
"Since 1990 I have been occupied creating new forms of life.

Not pollen or seeds but plastic yellow tubes are used as the basic material of this new nature. I make skeletons that are able to walk on the wind, so they don’t have to eat.

Over time, these skeletons have become increasingly better at surviving the elements such as storms and water and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives."

Kinetic sculptures are one of the coolest art creations that i have seen. imagine if the red sculpture in front of the fine arts building was a kinetic sculpture..

UPDATE: I felt that it was inappropriate to post 2 commercials in a row so heres an old spice commercial i saw that i really liked that i put it on as an update- Smears


Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 5

In honor of this season's premier Thursday night, here's the link to the new season's promos to wet your whistle: Always Sunny YouTube Channel

And a link to watch the show if you want to catch up or havent heard of it: Sidereel or FX

A few of the best ones:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Anyone Want Some Australian Club Music? (this kid does)

Imagine these songs blasting your face while youre tipsy on a messy dancefloor getting eye-raped by lasers and surrounded by tons of sweaty aussies going wild (probably on e, they pop that shit like aspirin). i think it might be possible to transfer that energy to meadow street minus the aussies and illicit drugs if we all get to know these songs. check them out and play them loud:

Steve Angello and Laidback Luke- Show Me Love. getting pretty heavy rotation on my itunes right now

Kid CuDi- Day N Night (Crookers Remix). can someone tell me if this was played stateside? i heard it before i left but It was WAY more popular than the original song there (aka heard it every single night).

Guru Josh Project- Infinity 2008. Youtube link HERE if you want to preview it first. oldy but goodie

Bob Sinclair- Sound of Freedom. A favorite of the famous Luke Aitken.

Ian Carey Project- Get Shaky. Often sang as "baby please rape me after school, oh oh in the bum" because australians are dirty geniuses

B lee can you toss up a few senegalese jams in response to this?- that rainbow one?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm a baby

UPDATE: Here is the woman that this video is based on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kid CuDi

Even thought the song that smears posted has a star studded trio, It just doesn't hit my eardrums like it does his.

I have some others for you to listen to and download if you like.

I'm a fan of the first two.

Soundtrack 2 My Life

Alive (nightmare) Ft. Ratatat

Hyerr Ft. Chip Tha Ripper


Persuit of Happyness Ft. Ratatat and MGMT

Kid Cudi ft. MGMT and Ratatat

2 bands i really like with one of my favorite rappers = sweet. eugene spotted this last night:

Cudi's first album drops Sept. 15, he has 2 sick mixtapes you could find easily if interested

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ronald McDonald Insanity

i dont know why but i laugh every time

also the girl next to me at work was watching this, its completely nuts:

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I've been deep in the vault for some old time Cahmoney/ Wayne jams. I love this shit.



The mighty e-603 has a new album. hes similar to girl talk but more spastic/add and is just as awesome:

Check it check it. definitely get his first album too if you dont have it yet.

Also take a look at Milkman, his first album is free and sweet (he does single song remixes unlike the cd-long ones of e-603 and girl talk

also as a forewarning- im like 3 months back on posting music so im putting together a little back-to-school mixtape for you all to download